I am admittedly a perfectionist.

It is so hard to commit to an end and hit publish when you keep editing and revising and changing and editing again.

I started my Magnum Opus right out of the gate as a collaboration with a writer friend. Somewhere around 2005 an idea for a story took root, and over the past 15 years the same characters have evolved through four completely different storylines. It will honestly ruin me to someday bring that story to an end. The characters have become so much a part of my life that I’m sure I will babble about them as if they were real when I have someday forgotten everything else.

But that’s the curse of a writer and a reader; you fall in love with the characters and you mourn the end of the book.

So as I creep toward the final rendition of my latest writing whim The Question, I hope you will enjoy my first duo; The Fifth Horizon and Book 2: All She Wore a rockstar romance thriller. I would absolutely love to hear your feedback after you read it, and if you enjoy it, please share it with your reader friends!

Here’s to losing sleep just to get to that last page!

Fiora Markus